宗像宣言 令和4年
西村明宏環境大臣 「宗像宣言 令和4年」 令和4年12月23日
宗像宣言 令和3年
令和3年10月 8日
山口 壯 環境大臣「宗像宣言 令和3年」 令和3年12月21日
菅義偉 元内閣総理大臣「宗像宣言 令和3年」 令和3年12月21日
マンリオ・カデロ 駐日サンマリノ大使 駐日外交団長「宗像宣言 令和3年」 令和3年12月21日
宗像宣言 令和2年
本会議では、自然の摂理と生命の循環を構築させるために、#Ocean Recovary(海洋リカバリー)#Ecosystem Resilience(生態系の再生)をキーワードに、持続可能な社会の在り方を議論し、そのための中心的な取り組みとして、海の神殿「『神宿る島』宗像・沖ノ島と関連遺産群」と山の神殿「富士山-信仰の対象と芸術の源泉」による世界遺産連携をすることとした。
Munakata Declaration of the 7th Munakata Global Environmental Symposium
While abnormal weather occurs in many parts of the world, here in Japan, “linear
rainband” has been causing heavy-rain-disasters, and seawater temperature rise is
considered as the factor.
Seawater temperature rise is caused by global warming, and then the shallow-waterdepth Genkai-nada Sea is easily affected by it, and furthermore, it is considered the geographic microcosm of offshore problem such as marine litters being washed ashore.
Originally the ocean which comprises 70% of the planet is the large ecosystem that is maintained in natural circulation, if human beings cause no harm.
At the 7th Munakata Global Environmental Symposium, to build natural providence and the circulation of life, we discussed how a sustainable society should be with the keywords of “Ocean Recovery” and “Ecosystem Resilience”, and as the central initiative, it has been decided that the two World Heritage Sites will be connected; Shrine of the sea, “Sacred Island of Okinoshima and Associated Sites in the Munakata Region“ and Shrine of mountains, “Fujisan, sacred place and source of artistic inspiration“ will work together for that.
To reconstruct the economy and the society that were damaged by the COVID-19
pandemic, we should not return them to its original state but restore the destroyed ecosystem by breaking off the root of marine pollutions, with the aim of reducing greenhouse gas emissions to net-zero, that is, realizing a carbon-neutral, decarbonized society, and eventually that will lead to regeneration of the natural environment.
We declare that from now on, we will build the Nature-centered society, which is the source of Life, from here in the land of Munakata, and at the same time, we will widely appeal to international community for this.
October 25th, 2020
The 7th Munakata Global Environmental Symposium, All participants.
現在、世界には、1,121のユネスコ世界遺産があるが、顕著な普遍的価値(Outstanding Universal Value)を維持する上で、自然災害、環境問題、紛争などの人的要因により、危機に瀕している遺産も数多く存在する。
この度の新型コロナウイルスに伴う社会経済活動への影響によって、皮肉にも、インドではヒマラヤが目視できたり、ベニスの水の透明度が増すなど、自然環境の改善が見られ、今日の大量生産大量消費の実態を改めて認識することともなった。一方、かつての江戸は、世界最大の人口を抱えた首都でありながらも、既に循環型社会が形成されていたという。それは自然への畏怖、畏敬の念が根底にあり、海や山への信仰心があったからとされている。このような自然観は、今や国際社会においてもアニミズム文化として見直されており、これは、喫緊の課題となっているSDGs(Sustainable Development Goals・持続可能な開発目標)の考え方にも繋がるものである。
この際、その一環として、国際社会から文化的な価値を認められた世界文化遺産、海の神殿「宗像・沖ノ島」と山の神殿「富士山」を有する両県が互いに連携し、それぞれの地域の人々の交流を拡大するとともに、双方の世界文化遺産が体現してきた持続文化を再評価し、新しい生活様式(New Normal)の取組みについて議論し、それらを国際社会に積極的に発信していきたい。
静岡県知事 川勝平太
福岡県知事 小川 洋
Joint communique between “Munakata, Sanctuary of the Sea” and “Mt. Fuji, Sanctuary of the Mountain”
Address natural environmental issues by cooperation of the two World Heritage Sites
Although there are 1,121 UNESCO World Heritage Sites in the world as of October in 2020, in terms of maintaining Outstanding Universal Value, many of them are in a crisis by human factors such as natural disasters, environmental problems, and disputes.
Seawater temperature rise due to global warming is considered one of the biggest factors of heavy rains and big typhoons in recent years. Various activities have been conducted to recover the marine environment at the Munakata Global Environmental Symposium from 2014 to 2020. The ocean comprises 70% of the planet we live in but the efforts of a few countries and regions is not enough to help improve the ocean environment.
As described in the Japanese Mythology ”Umisachi Yamasachi”, or ‘the deity of the sea and the deity of the
mountain’ , there is a close relationship between the sea and mountains since ancient times. Furthermore, in recent years, it is clearly affirmed that in order to maintain marine ecosystem, maintaining mountain ecosystem is also needed. It is thought that marine pollution and global warming is caused by the people’s lives on land. Therefore, if we don’t think about current living environment and take necessary actions respectively, this matter can never be solved.
Due to the influence on socioeconomic activities caused by the COVID-19 pandemic at this time, ironically, some environmental improvements can be seen, for example, the Himalayas can now be visually observed in India, and the transparency of the water in the canal has increased in Venice, which proves the impact of mass production and mass consumption to our environment.
Meanwhile, in the past, Edo, which was the capital of Japan: the present Tokyo, recorded the largest population in the world, and along with that, it is said that sustainable society had already been established there. This is because our thought has been based on a feeling of awe and reverence for nature, and people had the religious piety toward the sea and mountains. Such a concept of nature has come to be reconsidered as animism culture in the international community now, and this will lead to the solution of the urgent issue of SDGs.
We will take actions toward the achievement of SDGs and reconstruction of the economy and society that were damaged by the COVID-19 pandemic, with being based on the traditional and sustainable Japanese spirit of ‘TOKOWAKA’ means "forever young", which has been adopted by the Munakata Global Environmental Symposium.
In line with this policy, the two prefectures; Shizuoka prefecture and Fukuoka prefecture has its own World Cultural Heritage site, namely, Shrine of the sea, “Munakata, Okinoshima”, and Shrine of the mountain, “Fujisan”, whose cultural values were recognized by the international community, will team up to promote the interaction of people with each other, and in addition, both prefectures will respectively re-evaluate the long-lasting culture whose world heritage site has embodied, and discuss on the future efforts to practice the “New Lifestyle”, and then, we will continue to disseminate them to the international community positively.
October 25th, 2020
The Governor of Shizuoka Prefecture, Heita Kawakatsu
The Governor of Fukuoka Prefecture, Hiroshi Ogawa
第7回宗像国際環境会議 常若産業宣言
小泉進次郎環境大臣「宗像宣言 令和2年」 令和2年12月20日
宮内秀樹農水副大臣「宗像宣言 令和2年」 令和2年12月20日
マンリオ・カデロ駐日サンマリノ大使 駐日外交団長「宗像宣言 令和2年」 令和2年12月20日
宗像宣言 令和元年(2019年)
第6回宗像国際環境100人会議 参加者一同
Munakata Declaration of the 6th MUNAKATA Eco – 100 International Symposium
At the 6th MUNAKATA Eco – 100 International Symposium, on the theme of ‘TOKOWAKA’ (a combination of 2 Chinese characters: TOKO meaning ‘perpetual’ and WAKA meaning ‘youth’), a total of 800 people participated, and discussions were held on sustainable communities over a period of 3 days. ‘TOKOWAKA’, although always youthful, in the natural world it is materials constantly circulating, being maintained by being continually reborn, making it also a symbol of circulating time.
Since the Industrial Revolution, humankind has promoted industrialization with fossil fuels, gained material wealth, and built a socio-economic system for mass production, mass consumption and mass disposal, but now that society has gone far beyond the limits of the earth, and this is threatening the basis of human survival itself. Above all, due to these causes and from the sea perspective, global warming and marine plastic pollution are now creeping into our everyday lives.
Future societies are required to learn from the natural providence of ‘circulation’ and ‘symbiosis’, and to significantly change the socio-economic structure. And the foundation for this is humility towards nature, with gratitude and prayers for the forests, villages, rivers and seas that have been handed down to us in Japan.
In this sea of Munakata, through encountering ancient civilizations, from the footprints of ancestors who had pioneered a new era, and through us listening to their wisdom, they have shared with us the recognition that the establishment of a ‘regional circulation symbiotic community’ is necessary as soon as possible. Society5.0 wishes to gain the sympathy of the world for the future ahead by sending out the concept of ‘TOKOWAKA’ from Munakata.
‘TOKOWAKA’ is not a paraphrase for ‘sustainable’, but it includes the possibility of spirituality, and the ideal form of the earth and humanity, in a sustainable definition. In the future, we would like to build a crisis heritage network based on the influence of the sea that has been certified by international organizations, and to disseminate ‘TOKOWAKA’ internationally.
We declare that, here in the land and sea of Munakata, we will deepen international connections and act towards the realization of a ‘TOKOWAKA’ community.
August 25th, 2019
The 6th MUNAKATA Eco – 100 International Symposium, All participants.
小泉進次郎環境大臣「宗像宣言 令和元年」 令和元年12月20日
宗像宣言 平成30年(2018年)
平成30年8月26日 第5回宗像国際環境100人会議参加者一同
『海を耕せ』。これは、長崎大学名誉教授の中田英昭氏が私たち学生に宛てたメッセージである。 海を耕すというイメージは湧きづらいが、地球表面の7割を占める海を知り、次世代へ豊かな海を残していくことがこれからの世の中を生きてゆく私たち『WAKOUDO』の使命であるということを教えてくれた。
平成30年8月25日 第5回 宗像国際環境100人会議 学生分科会 参加者一同
中川雅治環境大臣「宗像宣言 平成30年」 平成30年9月28日
宗像宣言 平成29年(2017年)
平成29年8月27日 第4回 宗像国際環境100人会議参加者一同
中川雅治環境大臣「宗像宣言 平成29年」 平成29年9月14日
宗像宣言 平成28年(2016年)
平成28年8月21日 宗像国際環境100人会議 参加者一同
From the Forests, Rivers, Countryside and Oceans of Munakata to the World
Munakata Declaration 2016
Tsushima Warm Current washes the islands and beaches of Munakata. Water from the equatorial zone affected by natural conditions of the seacoast and people’s livelihood flows into the area of Munakata.
Munakata is surrounded by green summits of mountains. Water from the springs flow into Tsurikawa River and supports the lives of locals.
The water continues its flow into the Genkai Sea and eventually meets Tsushima Warm Current which brings us ocean bounties.
The land of Munakata is livable and blessed with nature.
The sacred island Okinoshima has been protected from the ancient times which resulted in conserving the biodiversity of the coasts of Genkai Sea. Tsushima Current passes through several straits before flowing into the Pacific Ocean and connected to the world.
However, who would have imagined that this magnificent circulation of water which brought blessings to Munakata would spread the litters from the land?
Through fieldworks at the islands and beaches, we learned that our ocean is in danger. To listen to the warnings from the ocean and think about our future, we declare as follows.
1. Global Warming and Sea Desertification
Global warming in Munakata is increasing rapidly. This year’s seawater temperature increased up to 30℃. Sea desertification has decreased the numbers of seaweeds and fishes, resulting in changing the fish species. Regeneration of seagrass bed requires immediate attention.
Munakata has started a fish reef project for the regeneration of seagrass on a private level and named it “Village Shrine Grove of the Ocean Initiative”. It is our strong hope to spread this action locally and throughout the world.
2. Marine Litter
Munakata is connected with overseas countries by the ocean. In recent years, enormous quantities of marine litters from neighbour countries are washed ashore and cleaning activities are carried out by volunteers. Plastic litters become micro plastics. Fish will eat them and the effects on human bodies are feared. This problem can be solved by not littering. We will continue our activities and appeal the illegal dumping of wastes to the international opinion.
The ocean which comprises 70% of the planet is changing rapidly. This is considered to be caused by recent abnormal weather. To bring back the ecosystem in the ocean is extremely important and requires immediate attention. The ocean does not have any borders and needs international cooperation.
We will start our first step of international activity by recovering our own oceans of Munakata.
August 21, 2016
MUNAKATA Eco-100 International Symposium
山本公一環境大臣「宗像宣言 平成28年」 平成28年10月5日